Balancing Candida is Fairly Simple
It just takes Change
Your goal is to balance the “good” with the “bad” bacteria in the gut. The truth is, you need both, but we refer to candida overgrown as the “bad” bacteria. Following the protocol you should notice improvement within one to three weeks.
Some believe they can work on improving gut health a little at a time. Don’t be fooled. If you are in a gut crisis, it takes a real counter attack to make a difference. Cutting down, instead of cutting out sugars will only extend the time necessary to balance your gut. Candida can live on very little fuel. Eating 1/2 your normal amount of sugars will not take you to wellness.
If you take medications, have mercury fillings or are detoxing metals, your body has an environment that suits candida growth. You may have to work more aggressively and find that the delicate balance is difficult to maintain. You might be managing rather than healing, but the benefits are not lost as candida left out of control can lead to leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disease. See
Steps to Improving Gut Health
1. Test
Test your gut before starting and often after you begin the protocol. You will get to know your body and gut health easily if you do. The test isn't science, but you will start to see what is feeding your candida. See
2. Diet
Zero sugar
Zero flour
No dairy
Limited rice and potatoes work for some. Your testing will tell you.
Fruit Limit fruit as too much fruit can feed candida. Your testing will tell you.
Whole foods
No processed foods
3. Supplements
Probiotic capsule 1-2 times a day
1-2 Tbls. fermented foods* 3-6 times a day
*Fermented foods contain live cultures that feed “good” bacteria and can include:
raw vinegar
fermented pickles
cultured yogurt (no added sugar and no fruit flavors)
See recipes for some fermented foods at