You may find out you are glad your body
added some extra weight.
Sometimes your body adds those fat cells to store toxicity with the goal of
saving your life.
A sick body holds weight for many reasons and for the metals toxic, it can be to save your life. The body's job is to keep you safe and ultimately heal you. When metals are in the bloodstream, your body will work at keeping that blood system clear. The body will use and even create new fat cells to store toxicity. Fat cells are safer storage than organs, bone or brain. Burning those toxic fat cells too fast can cause the blood to become recontaminated and cause side effects from the metals stored in them.
That means that the advice to exercise more can be the opposite of what you might actually need to do.
Excessive exercise when toxic, can cause debilitating illness and symptom responses that are unhealthy.
At the point you are ready to lose weight, meaning your body is strong enough and your contamination is greatly reduced, it will be tricky. Here are some of the things I know to consider:
1. Body temperature can be low while poisoned. Do your best to keep it warm and as close to normal temperature as possible.
2. Most who are mercury poisoned have thyroid troubles. You will be offered the meds immediately, but I do believe there are other ways to correct the problem. If you have mercury fillings, which are silver, you must get them removed safely first. Then, there is support for the thyroid in foods and supplements. Nourish your body and see if you can add some healing to the thyroid naturally. Because I do not believe in lifetime medications, I have used natural methods and have raised my body temperature from 95 degrees to 97. With the help of infrared sauna, it is easy to reach 98 degrees for several hours.
3. When exercise is possible, work up to new levels slowly. Overdoing just creates more chaos. If you can walk a distance without side effects of poisons being released, maintain that and add to it slowly. None of this will be quick, so you can forget about heading for the finish line.
4. When you do head out to exercise and are pushing into new levels that could release fat cells, chelate. There are many good, natural chelators that will grab onto poison as it is being released and help to carry it out of the body. The common exit route for chelated metals is through the urine, so be careful to go slowly enough to not overwork the kidneys. They are moving poison and that is a big job.
Almost all traditional chelators are inefficient and will drop some of the metal as it is exiting the body. When this happens, side effects rage because your blood again is carrying poison. You reabsorb and again store that toxicity that was meant to leave your body. This is why I think waiting until your body is healthier is a good idea before jumping into the "I have to lose weight" mode. You really don't "have to" do anything except nourish your body. You need your body to manage you as best it can, so your job is to take care of it while it saves your life.
The video mentions metals poisoning twice. It is rare that a Western practitioner is versed on metals or has this kind of insight. Everything she says makes perfect sense.