Search for the Cause Not Just the Cure is a collection of articles, thoughts, information, rants, research and experiences that evolved from being sick for too long. It is my personal log of remedies that I used to find wellness.
After a childhood of heavy metals poisoning and decades of debilitating illness as an adult I realized that I would have to become my own advocate. Western medicine failed me over and over again. It was costly and humiliating to hear there was nothing wrong with me. In retaliation, I studied until I correctly diagnosed myself as heavy metals poisoned. That was just the start of over three decades of trial and error to find wellness.
My experience with healing from mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium has given me a great education. These slow, methodical killers will silently guide you to death or awaken the fight in you to survive.
At some point I knew that my mind and memory were at risk. The website was an effort to remember what worked and to help other bypass some of the mistakes as there was really not much help or awareness at that time.
Heavy metals was the focus on Search for the Cause Not Just the Cure, but it brings with it many of the offshoots of chronic illness. They include: fibromyalgia-like pain, autoimmune disease, detoxing and updates to current health concerns.
Because I took my turn at cancer, it shows up in a few rants to discredit the pink-washing and failure of the…”race to cure” rather than the intent to find the cause. In the end, all issues end up with nutrition and a cleaner world being key.
I admit to being frustrated at the system and the lack of respect medicine has for alternatives, holistic healing and nutrition. It’s past time to empower ourselves with the knowledge of our ancestors and to understand how bodies work and what they need.
I am not a medical professional or a scientist.
I don’t make claims for, or against, Western medicine,
cancer cures or natural remedies, but I do have opinions
based on my experiences. I will alway urge giving nature
a try whenever possible and to always
Search For The Cause, Not Just the Cure.