The Symptoms of Mercury
are a mystery. Many think they have
conditions like Parkinson's,
Fibromyalgia, Alzheimer's,
IBS, Crohn's Disease or cataracts only
to find out they have symptoms of
The list of symptoms is in no way complete. I always feel like mercury and heavy metals can cause just about anything, but the list below will give you an idea of some of the more common symptoms.
You should not expect to have all of these symptoms or consider any of them to be a diagnosis. Testing is the only accurate way to be sure your body is actually poisoned. With that said, testing is a moving target and can change often. Blood testing is the least accurate and often gives inaccurate results since the body will store mercury to keep you safe.
Symptoms of Mercury in the Body:
- Immune System Damage
- Kidney Damage
- Neurological Disorders
- Endocrine Disruption
- Thyroid Malfunction
- Cognitive Impairments
- Delusions
- Psychological Disorders
- Nerve Damage
- Tremors
- Insomnia
- Memory Loss or fluctuations
- Headaches
- Hearing Loss or fluctuations
- Temporomandibular Join Disorder (TMJ)
- Bowel Disorders (IBS)
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Joint Pain
- Candida Imbalance
- Chronic Fatigue
- Weakness
- Lethargy
- Palsy
- Concentration Difficulties (Brain Fog)
- Numbness and Tingling
- Reproductive Dysfunction
- Suicidal Ideations
- Vision fluctuations