Candida affects about 70% of the
population but is rarely
diagnosed by
traditional medicine.
Testing at home and curing
yourself is your best defense.
The primary instigator is a modern diet. Sugars and processed foods feed candida and ignite its growth. Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals can cause candida to flourish. Stress, toxins and parasites are also contributors. If you are metals poisoned, you should expect gut issues.
Because candida is rarely on the radar of traditional medicine, it is best to test at home. The remedy is not in a pharmaceutical and it is not instant. Clearing candida can be a lengthly process and it requires not only a clean diet, but the addition of probiotics and fermented foods. There is no need to buy kits or cures. You are able to manage these changes with some basic research and investigation.
Letting candida remain out of balance can lead to Leaky Gut Syndrome. Left unchecked it can cause permanent damage.
Home candida testing instructions are available on this site as are many other articles about it and Leaky Gut Syndrome. To link to the test information see http://www.searchforthecausenotjustthecure.com/blog/candida-testing-at-home
Pain throughout the body
ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Inability to Lose Weight
Untrustworthy Bowels
Gluten Intolerance
Irritable Bowel Syndrome, IBS
Fungal Infections
Diaper Rash
Joint Pain
Urinary Tract Infection, UTI
Weight Gain or Loss
Belly pain
Nail Fungus
White Tongue or Oral Thrush
Cracks in Mouth Corners
Vaginal Infections
Muscle Pain
Brain Fog
Chronic Sinus Problems
Chronic Allergic Responses
Weakened Immune System
Loss of Sex Drive
Nail Infections
Hair Loss
Cracking Skin
Mood Disorders