If you consider that finding non-gmo corn, soy or wheat is almost impossible, it is past time to worry. That means the contamination of most of your food sources, right down to popcorn.
The average American eats a diet of about 95% processed food. That makes them a GMO consumer whether they know it or not. It takes work to understand what this is doing to the body, but you can educate yourself by sitting in the waiting room of your doctor’s office. The results are there. From the ADHD child, to the infertile and seniors with “signs of aging,” the results of GMO consumption are taking shape.
Consider this:
There is no other product on the market, so widely used as GMOs that is kept as secret. Manufacturers claim to have the secret weapon to feed the world and market their invention as the solution to world hunger. Why then are we denied the opportunity to know when it is in the food supply?
There is NO other area within the food supply industry that is not obligated to list ingredients. We’re told this is the best of all possible food sources, yet the same manufacturer spends millions of dollars keeping that information from food labels. The FDA willingly assists them, even though whistle-blowers, now without careers, have repeatedly revealed the dangers of GMO products.
When you begin to decifer GMOs and what they mean, you will realize you are in the food fight of your life. Entire countries have rejected their use. You should too.