A woman just asked me for ideas to solve her 25 years of chronic pain and fibromyalgia symptoms. She is tired of new prescriptions being offered and the pain not budging. She wants her life back and wants to know where to start. This was my response:
These things should be on your checklist of things to research if you are serious about finding wellness. The symptoms of fibromyalgia, chronic illness, chronic pain and many diseases have roots in these issues.
You cannot medicate yourself out of illness unless the root cause is healed. These root causes are overlooked by traditional medicine which causes misdiagnoses.
1. Get mercury fillings out of your mouth via a biological dentist who knows how to remove them. They provide the same symptoms as fibromyalgia.
2. Learn about candida and get yours in check. Sick people have multiple issues and this is usually a contributor, if not the primary cause. The symptoms mimic fibromyalgia.
3. Learn about Leaky Gut Syndrome which stems from candida overgrowth and provides the same symptoms.
4. Learn about glutathione and how to improve your body's natural production. It is completely necessary for recovery.
5. Sugar will cause inflammation. Stopping sugar, dairy and white flour for at least 3 weeks to determine how much of your pain, no matter the original source, is caused by these inflammatory contributors.
6. If you are medicating yourself, you might want to determine if it is helpful in the long run. Masking the pain allows you to overdo and when you overdo you cause more pain.
7. If you want wellness, you have to change your habits and control what toxicity goes into your body. A clean body has more time to focus on healing.