The pressure to vaccinate is real,
so why not make sure your
employer shares in the risks.
Employers should be sued if you become
damaged by a vaccine they demand.

Should you be forced to use earned sick leave for medical visits or recovery from a mandated vaccine? Should you lose income if the vaccine threatens your life, sends you to the emergency room or causes you to be hospitalized? Who should cover the cost of co-pays and in the event of death, will benefits be paid to your family?
The pressure is mounting and employers can easily say, “These are our demands,” but they should be willing to back up their confidence in your health with good, old-fashioned money. Let's see how sure they are about their mandate.
According to VAERS, Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System, which is a federal agency of the United States, there are risks. Keep in mind that these figures are voluntary entries and do not reflect the absolute numbers of those actually harmed. Most US citizens don’t even know the system exists and reporting is not mandatory.
Check the asterisked note in red at the bottom of the chart. It says, “*Note the total number of deaths associated with the Covid-19 is greater than the number of deaths associated with all other vaccines combined since the year 1990.” Is that meant to be comforting? Most of the universe does not know they could die from a vaccine and from this federal report the Covid-19 vaccines are worse in 11 months of voluntary reporting than all other adverse vaccine reports combined since 1990. The world is in a tough position. No one really knows what is best at this point, but we do know a few things. #1 There is more information available, but you will not hear it from the media “experts” and you are not entitled to discuss what censored authorities have to say. That in itself is frightening. #2 We are sure that the media is lying about at least part of what they are reporting which makes doing your own research the only practical thing to do. #3 Dr. Fauci blocked the use of easily obtained and inexpensive drugs in favor of drugs that have supported himself, the Gates Foundation and others who profit from your illness. There are experts risking their careers to bring you the truth. Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is among them. Check into the Children’s Health Defense for a dose of reality. |