Socially, you may call it IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. In private you know it as the urgency of untrustworthy bowels.
It can range between diarrhea and constipation and be joined with pain, bloating or gas. You may only notice soft, messy poop for a very long time, but it all has the characteristic of being unpredictable and unfriendly.
These are symptoms of trouble that should never be disregarded. This is not “just your system acting up,” these are signals for you to pay attention. Something is wrong and your gut wants a change.
These conditions that haunt so many are so common that they have a designer name and a list of designer drugs. We call it IBS, but what is it really?
Of course, it could be a number of things but the easiest to identify at home on your own would be candida. Most of us have candida overgrowth because of our diet. We are never introduced to it because Western medicine does not treat it, as there is no pill for the cure. The remedy is an improved diet and nutrition, neither of which is in the arsenal of traditional, Western medicine. The symptoms of candida are precisely the symptoms of IBS, so why not investigate it as a source of the problem?
What Is Candida?
Candida is an overgrowth of what we fondly call the “bad” bacteria in the gut. We actually need both “bad” and “good” bacteria for the gut to function properly. When the gut is not in balance and conditions are bad and we say you have candida.
Candida flourishes easily because our diet promotes it. It lives on sugars, dairy and flours and is put in check by vegetables and alkaline foods. Candida likes an acidic body, produced by sugars, and does not do well when the pH is appropriately more alkaline. Disease also thrives on an acidic body and so the two connect naturally.
Taking medications can promote candida growth. Even medication prescribed for IBS symptoms can work precisely against you, while reducing symptoms. If you take an antibiotic you have definitely set the stage for candida to go wild as the job of an antibiotic is to kill bacterial, all bacteria. Once the good bacteria is gone, candida can easily flourish.
What the body needs to combat candida is an alkaline diet, live foods or probiotics that will grow good bacteria, to balance the gut. Learning a bit about them can change life. Live foods, also called fermented foods, include cultured yogurt, miso, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, raw vinegar and more.
Let’s Connect the Dots…
There are endless products for IBS, diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating and abdominal pain. There are also endless products for fungal infections, vaginal infections and nail fungus. All of these are signs of candida overgrowth. You might find that after years of a fungal infection you begin having bowel troubles or the reverse. You might also find that you experience fatigue, sleeplessness, lethargy, pain, rashes, skin conditions, autoimmune disease, headaches, inflammation and a foggy brain. These can all be manifestations of candida overgrowth.
If you medicate continually while continuing to feed candida, you exacerbate the problem. Your medications are limiting symptoms, but they are not curling your problem, causing your body to continually fight the issues. Until you treat the gut and allow it to become healthy again, it is likely that your symptoms will linger.
A simple saliva test, taken at home, can tell you if you need to investigate candida as a source of your IBS. There are more sophisticated tests you can take through a medical professional who understands natural healing, but the home test will give you a good idea of what might be going on in your gut.
Attacking candida should be from all fronts and all at once. Cutting down on foods that promote it’s grown is usually not enough. Small amounts of sugars or white flour can be enough to maintain an unhealthy balance. Making a complete and concentrated effort to promote good bacteria and starve candida is the best and quickest approach. It will take some research to understand the process thoroughly, but basically you will need probiotics, fermented foods and a diet void of sugar, dairy and white flour. For some it is necessary to give up all flour, but you will know. There are good alternatives that might work. You won’t need to purchase products that claim to be candida cures. The remedies are simple and natural.
Using Western Medicine’s Approach
The explanation of IBS by the Mayo Clinic is not unfamiliar if you have attempted to get help from traditional medicine. The Mayo Clinic claims, “Because it's not clear what causes irritable bowel syndrome, treatment focuses on the relief of symptoms so that you can live as normally as possible.”
If that is not good enough for you and you prefer wellness, Searching for the Cause, Not Just the Cure is the way to go. Take the home test and get armed with the information you need to cure IBS and gut issues. Link to your own candida testing steps at https://www.searchforthecausenotjustthecure.com/blog/candida-testing-a t-home
The Candida Saliva Test