Finding your way though metals toxicity
is frustrating and finding people to believe
you might be the worst part.
Over time, with enough toxicity, you will become unable to do certain things or have the required energy for basic living. Still there may be no definite symptoms that will identify the source of your issues.
As your toxicity level rises and the bloodstream becomes too toxic, your body will begin to store metals in fat cells, organs, tissue and bones to keep you alive. This every changing storage and release of toxins will vary the amount of toxicity in the bloodstream on any given day. I believe this is why some days you feel better than other days. In my mind, “good days” meant the bloodstream must have been fairly clear.
Eventually simple tasks like getting up, showering and getting dressed, which should be seamless activities, are exhausting. It may be that you find yourself needing rest periods to get through ordinary tasks of daily living.
At some point there is physical pain that can manifest in any number of ways. It can be intermittent, constant or ever changing. After enough pain, anxiety and lack of quality sleep, an emotional pain can be expected. It too will be without an identifiable pattern. Emotional pain means stress will follow. Stress will magnify physical pain.
Metal toxicity feels like fibromyalgia, palsy, neuropathy, Alzheimer’s and dementia all at the same time. It causes anxiety, weight loss or gain, nervousness, insomnia, anger and loads of things that people get medicated for regularly as depression and fibromyalgia.
In children the symptoms are usually noticed as learning disabilities, behavior problems and deficits in normal development. Although children are often misdiagnosed, lead is at least on pediatrician's radar because they have now been trained to identify the debilitating symptoms. For some reason, that training has not transferred to the adult community.
Heavy metal poisoning can take years to develop into a condition that you finally recognize needs your attention. Your precise symptoms can differ from anyone else because of the combination of toxins your particular body is processing. Combinations of toxins will manifest differently than individual toxins do alone. Nothing is constant during poisoning or healing from poison.