Your Tongue Will Tell You Secrets
Without Words
The color and condition of your tongue tell a story of your overall health. Those who understand it thoroughly will take you right to the source of problems which is not always easy to do alone. You can play a key role in monitoring your health in just seconds and in the doing learn much about what your tongue is telling you.
If you see a rosy pink tongue, you are looking good. That pink screams health. If it show patches of red, white, blisters, brown, black or yellow, there is trouble brewing. Take note because a sick tongue did not happen casually and it has a definite message for you. It is telling you that you are sick and although you may not feel sick, your body will falter at some point without care.
These are not conditions that need brushing or cleaning of the tongue. These are signs of illness that cannot be cleaned, brushed or scraped away.
The tongue shown above is from a woman experiencing several symptoms of illness. She is at a lost to find the cause and wonders why her hand joints swell and why she is so lethargic. She complains of weight gain, loss of energy, anxiety and exhaustion. Doctors have told her she just has arthritis and offered drugs which she refuses. As far as the weight gain and lethargy, the diagnosis is just "signs of aging".
Just for kicks, I said, "let's see your tongue." When I yelped audibly, she said, "Oh it's been this way for years." That may be, but it is writing on the wall. Your tongue is relaying a message that your body is in distress and needs your help. A good place to start to remedy a sick tongue is gut health by managing candida overgrowth which is her first plan of action.
Those with candida recognize a while coat as having a gut with candida overgrowth. The degree can be mild to startling. When you monitor your gut health with candida testing at home, you can easily watch the changes in your tongue while you begin to manage your gut. To test for candida in your own home, find the very easy steps at https://www.searchforthecausenotjustthecure.com/blog/candida-testing-a t-home. There is more information on candida, IBS, Leaky Gut Syndrome, fermented foods and probiotic recipes on this site.
If you find your tongue is telling you something you don't understand find a health practitioner that can explain your situation. A naturopath, doctor of Chinese medicine or Ayurvedic medicine will be very helpful.