I have fibromyalgia because
I have pain.
I don’t have pain
because I have fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is not classified as a disease.
Fibromyalgia is deemed incurable according to Mayo Clinic and medical professionals.
Fibromyalgia is an insurance code that gets a doc paid
and stops any further investigation of cause.
Fibromyalgia describes my pain, but it is not the cause of my pain.
To be told I was getting fat because of my age and that a painful body was part of the aging process was an insult. Then without missing a beat the offer of antidepressants was on the table because of my “obvious depression”.
After hearing the same thing a dozen times, I remember tearing up in front of one of my last hope doctors. He said, “See you are depressed”. I said, “I’m depressed because no one believes me, not because I have depression.” Traditional medicine failed me.
Because doctors didn’t believe me, I kept quiet. Telling no one how hard I struggled to keep up with others. I was using more than the energy I had to try to look well socially, but I knew I would pay for it during the next week or more it would take to recover.
For years I got out of bed and showered, then got right back into bed until I could grasp getting up to put on make up or do my hair. Then back to bed until finally I could get dressed. I would lay down after dressing and then head out the door. There was something wrong. I knew I was not crazy. There was something seriously wrong.
This went on for years. Still no one knew I was sick and still there was not a doctor that believed me, but then, something changed.
During the 15 years I’d been complaining, fibromyalgia came on the scene. Instead of dismissing patients with chronic pain and illness, doctors were assigning fibromyalgia to anyone that said “ouch”.
I didn’t buy it the first time I heard it and I didn’t buy it the 12th time either. I knew instinctively that there was a cause for my pain and that it could be found. I continued to see doctors only to be disappointed and frustrated.
The few people who knew I didn’t feel well, had no idea of the extent of my pain. When I mentioned looking for help and moving away from traditional medical services they were suspicious, asking if I was seeing a “real” doctor.
It was never important to me that others understood. I didn’t need validation. I wanted help and guidance. That was never to come, but I did get well and others can too.
Just for the record, the source of my fibro-like pain was from long term poisoning with mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic. The mercury was from childhood fillings that were replaced annually and represented about 35 years of exposure. The lead, cadmium and arsenic were from dinner plates that I used for about 15 years.
I personally believe that much of what we call illness and chronic pain has roots in the poisons we live with daily. The levels of contaminants allowed by governments are far more than the body can withstand on an ongoing basis. Because the damage can take years to manifest, the culprits are rarely recognized.
Finding the cause of your pain is very personal and can be difficult. When the reason was not obvious, I personally sought to clean up my body as a line of defense. My thought was that the body knows how to heal and if I could give it maximum nutrition and minimal poisons, we might have a fighting chance.