The Unanswered Question:
If it was true that your skin conditions
could be solved with food,
why wouldn't your doctor have said something by now?
Many discount the issue of diet being the solution and fall into the belief that their psoriasis or eczema is genetic. Could it be that the diet and environment of the parents is similar and so, the reaction is the same? Heavy metals, use of medications and diet can all produce a sick gut and a variety of reactions.
Why hasn't your doctor mentioned foods that can cure skin disorders? The age old answer is that doctors did not study nutrition in med school. What they did study, drugs, can actually exacerbate the problem while masking symptoms.
Why sauerkraut? Sauerkraut is one of many fermented foods that feed what is called the "good bacteria" in the gut. When good bacteria flourishes, your gut stays in balance and healthy. When the gut is fed sugars and processed foods it can only feed the bacteria known as candida. When candida is in charge the body reacts negatively.
Whether you have suffered a lifetime, or if your condition is new, researching candida and Leaky Gut Syndrome could save you years of discomfort. To see a bit more see: www.searchforthecausenotjustthecure.com/blog/symptoms-and-causes-of-candida