We are a well trained and taught to believe that a dandelion in your yard is a crime. We spray and kill, never thinking about what is happening to the earth or its inhabitants.
We spray dandelions and weeds with pesticides because we believe that “safe” means something in the dictionary of Corporate America. We believe that “environmentally friendly” could not be a lie and we believe the FDA is watching cautiously with our welfare in mind. We have been marketed into thinking we are making the right choices, but is this liberal use of poison worth the extinction of a few dandelions?
In the world of weed killers, Round Up, with glyphosate as a primary ingredient, is one of the most well known. A 2009 study found that Americans alone use a mere 100 million pounds of Round Up on lawns and gardens to eradicate weeds. Add to this the amount your government uses on public land, parks, waterfronts and highways. Add to that the amount used on commercial crops and GMO production that contaminates your food supply. We now use so much and spray so freely that you can count on having glyphosate exposure with, or without, your personal use.
Monsanto, the maker of Round Up and glyphosate, continues to claim we are safe. Cities across America have sued Monsanto in regard to the safety claims of this product, but fines are paid and sales continue without State or FDA interference.
Here are a few bits that might change your mind about the safety of pesticides:
1. Sri Lanka has identified glyphosate as the leading cause of kidney cancer. They have banned it’s use.
2. The growing of GMO crops depends on glyphosate. The heavy spraying on GMO crops, with a tolerance for the chemical, has laden food supplies with poison that is passed on to the consumer.
3. GMOs are linked to cancer, hormone disruption and severe liver and kidney damage.
4. Many who test negative for gluten intolerance have become suspicious is that they are being poisoned by the pesticides rather than gluten.
5. The White House has been linked to Monsanto for many years in relationships that appear to allow Monsanto to self-govern, moving freely without supervision. The FDA rarely interferes.
6. Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, was a Monsanto lawyer for 4 years. As a Chief Justice, he has ruled in favor of Monsanto, over the people, his entire career.
7. The ramifications of Round Up will take years to unfold. Many who study the issue believe it is showing today in “new” diseases and complications for the human body. Years from now, the cause will be identified and many years after that, we will beg to have this poison removed from our lives.
8. Monsanto brought us Agent Orange, DDT and saccharine. We are clear about the progression of these products and the lies about their safety.
9. Roundup is blamed for the current plight of the Monarch butterfly and bee populations.
10. When parks and public areas are heavily sprayed, the insect population that dies can take years to recover.
11. Pope Francis, a trained chemist, has spoken out against GMO, pesticides and workers who are exposed to chemicals. “This is our sin…Exploiting the earth…” he said.
Signs of glyphosate poisoning?
low sperm count
reduced urination
difficulty breathing
difficulty swallowing
permanent kidney damage
sore throat
stomach inflammation
blood in urine
One cup of glyphosate, or Roundup, will kill an average sized human being. Smaller does will still kill you, just more slowly through chronic illness and disease.