Mondelez, maker of many popular products, gives their version of GMO safety.
consider them to be GMO.
When you do these kinds of investigations, the phrase that is all telling is that "we are in full compliance with the law". Those who would like to live in wellness must live outside what the "law" believes to be healthy enough for consumption. When we are looking for healthful food products, we need companies that willingly exceed the law and honor human life.
You will notice in the response that GMOs appear to be saving the world, a fact that is disputed generously. They make GMO production sound amazing and necessary, as though poisoning was "progress". They discuss how farmers once modified seed by breeding in certain characteristics as though that was comparable to GMOs. You are told directly that if an ingredient contains soy, corn, canola, cotton or sugar beets, consider it GMO. They end by saying "safety" is their priority and use the "law" again to circumvent the truth.
If you are unsure exactly how GMOs affect you, see the link that follows.
Corporate Response Reprinted
Genetic modification is not a new technology and has been used for over 20 years in agriculture. Years ago, farmers bred plants manually to get stronger plants or different varieties. Today, the technology more precisely and efficiently identifies the gene that causes a particular trait. From there, it adds that desirable trait to another plant. Then, it enhances that trait or turns off an undesirable trait without using chemicals or introducing anything unnatural. There are certain crops in North America (US & Canada) that are predominantly grown from genetically-modified seed such as soy, corn, canola, cotton and sugar beets. Thus, ingredients made from those crops are used in food products and are more than likely to have come from genetically-modified plants unless the product is labeled organic. If you see an ingredient on one of our ingredient panels that is derived from one of these crops, then you can assume that the product contains GMO ingredients.
Safety is our number one priority here and around the world. Also, many public authorities, prestigious scientific organizations, regulatory bodies, and governments that are involved in biotech crops yield that foods and ingredients are safe. Our use of ingredients and our labelingpractices have been in full compliance with government regulations as it would be declared on the package if GMO’s are used in the product.
Again, thanks for contacting us, and I hope you'll continue to enjoy our products.
Consumer Services
Mondelēz International
Ref: Case # S-754859