We are past the need for awareness of cancer, yet
we are still hooked into the money monster that plays to our hearts and fears,
The Pink Ribbon.
The campaign is intense.
It teaches one to depend on pharmaceuticals
and to be recognized as survivors or victims.
It has woven the fears of the population into the false savior called Big Pharma.
Every ribbon you see and wear is a product of that manipulation.
If you have found solace in the campaign, I’ll apologize now. I’ve heard that many use the pink ribbon campaigns to honor loved ones who have passed. There is no disrespect intended.
There is, however, a need to shake up the thought process and begin to ask questions about why we are completely dependent on Big Pharma as a country and why we have zero alternative medicines that are legal or being researched. We need to wonder why the success rates are not higher and why throwing billions of dollars at the problem has only succeeded in raising the cost of dying. Why won’t our government step in?
The Advertising Band Wagon...
A nation-wide commercial air carrier just flew overhead painted with a pink ribbon. Really? Or is this just another corporation latching on to some inexpensive advertising and getting news coverage? Did they give $1000, fund a hospital wing or just paint a ribbon on their plane?
Today any corporation can display a pink ribbon and enrich their advertising dollar a thousand fold. It’s rampant and no one I know has ever followed the money to find out what is actually being supported. This cheap marketing technique shows no thought or commitment to curing cancer. The commitment is to catching the eye of the buyer...you.
It is time to wake to the reality that the pink ribbon campaign is as powerful as the “Uncle Sam” campaign was to encouraging war. We are human beings being tortured for the sake of money for an elite level of Corporate America that we apparently serve.
Say no to Pink Ribbons. Write those companies you support and tell them their support of Big Pharma is not within your ideals. Ask that they support alternative, holistic healing. One person can make a change. Just speak up. Make it a grassroots effort, changing lives one blade at a time. Let’s get this show on the right road.