Suffering the symptoms of mercury toxicity means
making important health decisions. Most of us are not prepared to make those decisions on our own and Western medicine is just not prepared with the answers yet.
This overview, although lengthy, is delivered simply and in great detail. It will explain a lot about mercury toxicity and why the use of NBMI will help.
While the public waits for NBMI to become available, there are many other drugs provided as chelators. None are as efficient or as effective and all have side effects that are serious and can be damaging to the body.
In contrast, NBMI, seems to be the right fit for all metals toxicity. Although it has an affinity for mercury, it will chelate to other metals as they become available. The fact that NBMI will not drop metals once they are chelated, is a huge factor in making a decision to use NBMI when it becomes available. Other products can attach and drop metals back into the bloodstream, causing the side effects that began the initial symptoms.
Another very important difference between NBMI and other chelators is that NBMI exits the body via the colon and not the kidneys, thereby sparing your organs further damage. NBMI crosses the blood brain barrier, which most other options cannot do. Also, it does not deplete the body of essential minerals in the process of clearing metals.
As of this writing, NBMI is only available through compassionate use programs. That option requires a medical doctor to apply to the FDA, or the equivalent counterparts in countries outside of the US. The application process is involved and outside of the office visit scope for most doctors. The application information is available at