There is really no such thing as "routine" to a human body.
Injecting it with Gadolinium, a toxic heavy metal,
has consequences.
You'd be well served to do your research
before you subject yourself to testing.
Gadolinium is an earth metal that has no place in the human body. Like all metals, contamination and excesses are stored by the body to prevent injury. Contamination can cause injury to kidneys, brain and cells, as well as, neurological, cell and DNA damage. Gadolinium, when in combination with other heavy metals toxicity, is exponentially more combustible in terms of being able to cause harm to the body.
Most of us contact gadolinium through MRIs. It is administered by injection and used to improve imaging quality. Although it is highly regarded as safe and routine, your body might disagree.
Let’s be clear. The human body cannot be poisoned without effects. It will respond negatively. The manifestation of that response might not be immediate because the body will work overtime to protect you from all exposures. To be sure, however, there is a limit on how much and how many poisonings you can expect to survive.
It seems that recently everyone near me is having an MRI for one reason or ten others, which is what prompted a look at the procedure. There was no second thought given by any of these people as to safety because A.) It doesn’t hurt and B.) It’s Free! Insurance loves to pay for it apparently. No one has ever expressed questions or concern about the necessity or safety of these tests.
So what I’ve learned, the hard way, is that anything your insurance will cover will be ordered by Western medicine. If you drop into the Emergency Room, you will be given every test that is covered. The only patients safe from being excessively tested, prodded and poked are those with the worst, or in this case the best, insurance that has limited coverage.
You must physically say no to test and it's OK to ask their value and risks. Then do your own research before submitting yourself to medical services. Although you may deem MRI and gadolinium use is to your benefit, take precautions if you are already metals toxic or have mercury fillings. Your personal research is the final decision maker.