Being heavy metals poisoned is bad
enough, but no one ever tells you
how crazy it feels.
No one likes to mention the hysterical moments where you just can’t cope. That feeling of hanging on to threads while no one believes a word you are saying. The anxiety of wondering if they don’t understand because of lack of empathy or that maybe you are just plain crazy.
If you haven’t been there, you are either very lucky or you are on your way.
It’s nightmarish and you have no where to go but back into your head where the craziness lives and roams to strike again.
When I talk to those metals poisoned they always confess how close to the edge they feel. They always say they “feel crazy.” Without hesitation it is easy to say, “That is because you are! That is what metals do and that is how we all feel.”
You can’t imagine how happy they are to hear that they are crazy and that it is a place everyone of us has been. Who knew there would be comfort in crazy, but it makes sense.
When you are dealing with an unknown like metals you are mostly on your own. You are thrown into a position to have to learn about yourself and your body with no warning. Likely the symptoms came on without introduction and the task had no instructions. You probably didn’t even know what was wrong for years. Combine that massive task with a medical system that is also wondering what to do next and it is like looking into a black hole.
I’m not hoping to give the answer or medical advice. I just want you all to know that recovery from metals is hard. You are a champion and when you are done you will know your body better than anyone has know themselves.
There is an end to metals recovery, but it won’t likely be a straight line. You can listen to everyone and then, in the end, make all of the decisions for yourself. We are rarely put in a position to have to trust ourselves so completely, but it is here.
You will strive.
You will struggle, and
You will win.