How is it that the most corrupt
industry in America
is making our health decisions?
As Americans, laws restrict our primary health care to conventional pharmaceutical practices and surgeries. Insurance companies, which we are now obligated to support, limit our healing choices.
We don’t expect to be reimbursement for simple remedies that might restore the body without harmful side effects. Courts have intervened and decided that we don’t always have the right to use our internal wisdom to allow our bodies to heal. We can be forced to engage in pharmaceuticals for ourselves or loved ones by order of the laws of our nation.
How did this happen? When did we lose control of the right to decide how and if we choose to interfere with the natural course of physical healing?
Who: John D. Rockefeller; J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie
What: Funded research and controlled medical teaching universities
When: Early 20th Century
Where: The United States of America, Land of the Free
Why: To create a monopoly of the health care system...It worked!
Three powerful men with a mind to succeed, created a monster that breathes fire to this day. The public bows to that monster and prays for it to be their savior, when in reality it is all done with smoke and mirrors. Behind that screen, there is no power stronger or more intellectual than the power and intellect of the human body.
The power of the monster exists only because humans are naturally impressionable and tend to follow. In a busy world it is easy to do what you are told and very troublesome to lean outside the box. Planning unconventional healing takes time and effort. Pills offering instant relief seem easier in the moment.
There was a time when people trusted the natural resources to heal themselves. They looked to the earth and supported their bodies naturally.
So how did we get off this track and forget about natural healing? We were trained to forget. Since the Rockefeller machine was developed we have been held hostage to the desires of Big Parma. Marketing has trained us out of believing in our own power to heal.
John D. Rockefeller began his quest to manage the pharmaceutical industry soon after he was found guilty of corruption within the oil industry. Using those same management skills, he set out with the pack of three to gain control of teaching institutions.
Universities were generously funded by the three. Boards were seated with their agents and together they deliberately decided what research would be done and what pharmaceuticals would be brought to market. This original drug cartel stipulated that only pharmaceutical medicine could be taught. And so it was. They were in control.
Soon the group found lawmakers to support their activities. Naturopathic's were denounced and practitioners were no longer openly able to actively make claims in regard to healing. Laws were put into place that made many known healing procedures illegal. Soon only those practicing with chemical based pharmaceuticals and surgery could be licensed.
Even though renown scientist and doctors fought for the right to utilize natural medicinal remedies they did not conquer the machine. Linus Pauling, double Nobel Prize winner, and Dr. Matthias Rath fought to maintain the right to use healing agents found in nature. They believed that micronutrient deficiency was the root of all disease. They knew that all disease could be cured by nature. That thought remains today in those who understand the functions of the body and seek naturopathic healing in spite of laws and insurance restrictions.
Instead of making headway to securing the future of natural agents as remedies, Pauling and Rath were force to watch all science be manipulated by these industry giants. Soon all textbooks, all research, all publications, laws, production of chemical based medicines and the cost of medicines were in control of the pharmaceutical machine that remains in control today.
Your health was sold.