I believe what is more truthful is that the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is a dumping ground by the medical profession for people who complain of a variety of aches, pains and symptoms that seem unfounded or random. Although all who have fibromyalgic-like pain have similarities, our sources of pain vary. Instead of searching for the cause of our issues, we are categorized into the designer condition called "fibromyalgia" and offered drugs to mitigate symptoms, but we are never expected to be cured.
Pain is the only voice your body has and there is always a reason for it. Finding its source is not easy, especially when a trusted medical community is satisfied to medicate you for a lifetime and categorize you as hopeless.
If you are to find wellness, you must resist the diagnosis of fibromyalgia as anything more than a description of your pain. Next, begin a concentrated search for the source of your particular pain and look more deeply for the root cause or causes, knowing that the weakened body can manifest pain from more than one source.
What is common for chronic, fibromyalgia-like pain is the sensitivity to toxic substances and sugars. Sugar exacerbates pain, no matter the original source of pain. Most all painful bodies respond to lifestyle changes that clean up the body.
There are a few things every painful body should investigate to begin their search for the cause of symptoms if wellness is the goal. You may find you have some or all of these potential contributors or, your cause might be completely different.
#1. If you have silver, metal amalgam fillings in your mouth you are living with mercury toxicity. It may take years to manifest but, at some point, metals toxicity will create pain and symptoms that are often given the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. You need to be tested for metals poisoning, being aware you cannot rely on a blood test for accuracy. You will need a medical professional who understands metals and this is not likely going to be a typical, Western medical practitioner.
#2. Candida overgrowth symptoms are also very closely aligned with the symptoms of fibromyalgia. If you have candida overgrowth, a gut bacteria, you will need to make several lifestyle changes as it cannot be solved by a pill. Sugar and flours, which are the favorite diet of candida, will inflame the body while candida thrives on them. You will need a medical professional who understand how to cure candida or you can easily do the research to solve it yourself without products or pills. Candida overgrowth responds to a healthy diet and probiotics.
#3. Leaky Gut Syndrome is an offshoot of candida overgrowth and is actually caused when the intestinal wall becomes permeated by severe candida. Once the intestinal wall becomes compromised, foods being digested fall through the intestinesl and leak into the bloodstream, causing guess what? Yes, symptoms that are again exactly like those of fibromyalgia.
#4. Glutathione is manufactured by the body. It is the master detoxifier of your body. If you are sick or in pain, production is less than adequate to manage normal, daily detoxification needs causing...yes, symptoms just like fibromyalgia.
What is important about these four simple possibilities as potential sources of fibromyalgia-like pain is that they each affect about a third of the population. It is incredible that a doctor would consider labelling a patient with fibromyalgia and medicate them without knowing if any of these four very common conditions are at play.
Your source of pain might not include any of these conditions and the possibilities are infinite. What is sure, however, is that if you medicate the pain without finding the source, wellness will not be yours.
If you walk into your doctor's office and quote this information, it will likely be discounted in favor of drugs. Your own research will be infinitely more important.
Your pain is real. It has a source that is screaming for attention. Find it and be well.