Never heard of it? Most have not.
If you don't understand it, you could have a hard time recovering from illness, chronic conditions, heavy metal detoxification and all disease.
As the demands on the detoxification systems of your body are expanded in our increasingly toxic world, the job can be overwhelming. Without the support of a proper diet and the right nutrition, your glutathione production could fall below adequate, resulting in illness. In the case of metals or other toxicity, you could find that clearing the body is a very slow process without enough glutathione.
Visualize glutathione taking charge of clearing your body of the toxins you encounter everyday. That includes those you notice, those you eat, that which you willingly put on your skin and the unknowns that you don't even consider. When it glitches, think of your toxic waste being recycled instead of being cleared from your body. It is as though the pumping system for cleansing was slowed to bare minimum. That poorly operating system soon leaves the bulk of toxicity behind, increasing the body's burden and interfering with wellness.
The right foods and the right exercise are the remedies. The video will give you an overview that will be enough to get you on the right track.