We hear about GMOs and Round Up
in our food supply,
but is it just another inevitable part of life?
Are we fighting a battle for GMO labeling
and regulation that can’t be won?
Genetically Modified Organisms, GMOs, represent the alteration of food seeds to produce higher yields with the use us glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Round Up. The seed is genetically altered to resist the chemical spraying. Unfortunately, the human body is suffering from the chemicals and the illnesses caused are rarely associated with the widespread use of this poison in our food supply and in our environment which now is showing up on your dinner plate.
If you have not grasped the magnitude of GMOs on the planet, the issue could be easily dismissed. Most are unaware of the dangers and that was the plan. GMO crops were developed with very little investigation or regulation and they infiltrated our food supply before we understood. As people become aware of what GMOs do to the populations of animals and humans that eat them, they step up, demanding unadulterated food.
At this point, GMO crops are within most manufactured foods. Almost all US corn, soy and wheat is from a GMO crop. This means that food products from corn oil to animal feed are poisoned. Most grain cereals and breads will show residue of glyphosate, which is the same weed killer used in homes and on highways.
Your body regularly handles some poison and detoxes it with normal processing, but once the burden is too high, the body falters. Feeding daily doses within the food supply, eating animals that have been fed this toxic poison, eating milk products from these same animals and finding these crops within cereals, breads, crackers, pasta and soy products is overburdening the body.
If you are already sick, you begin to understand the chain of events that brought your body into submission. If you are not yet, the problem seems less critical. The truth is that whatever your position, you have little choice. The consumer's right to know the facts about GMOs has been blocked.
There is no labeling that identifies GMO products in the US. Meanwhile entire countries have outlawed GMO production. Other nations demand truthful labelling so that the consumer can choose if and when to poison themselves. In America we make the clean product label and prove their safety instead.
Poisoning is only one aspect of the damage glyphosate does in our food supply. It is important to understand that glyphosate is a chelator that also binds to minerals in the soil. GMO crops grown in glyphosate treated soil are prevented from absorbing and utilizing these micronutrients because they are binding to the chemical. This means a weaker food supply for consumers.
Additionally the GMO plants are less able to draw in nitrogen and return it to the soil, which is what plants do for us naturally. Eventually we end up with nitrogen poor soil which is lacking in minerals and nutrient value. Ultimately there are fewer nutrients available for your body from commercially grown, GMO crops and their by-products. Our bodies slowly diminish as our food supply becomes less beneficial. We have become malnourished while eating plentiful amounts and becoming obese.
If your government put a stop to glyphosate use today, it will take a year for the glyphosate to begin to break down. After breaking down, it will take decades for it to disappear. This means you will have multiple sources of contamination for many years. It will be in the air, under your feet and in your food, not to mention any storage in your body organs or tissue.
If GMO production is everything it is touted to be, then there should be little issue with identifying its presence in our food supply. It is time to make a fuss over poison in your food.