Every body reacts differently
to metals poisoning.
Combinations of contaminants and the health
of your body will be factors.
The discrepancies are all within the realm of possible. Determining which you will be is not likely as the variables are many. Where the body stored toxicity, how much poison is stored and the combinations of toxins will all be factors, as will the health of the body.
Slow and easy seem to be the consensus among those who have detoxed for many years. Detoxing or “dumping” metals back into the bloodstream too fast can stress the body, resulting in increased pain, lethargy and disruption to life, while causing candida, leaky gut, inflammation and permanent damage among other things.
How your body is being cared for and fed will also be factors. If you are eating foods laden with pesticides, including GMOs, you add to the daily chores your body has instead of allowing it to focus on detoxing metals. If you add toxic chemicals to your skin or lungs from sunrise to sunset, you are adding to the burden. Cleaning up your life and limiting toxic sources, including those in water, will be important.
Understanding your contaminants and how they manifest is helpful in circumventing potential problems and speeding up recovery. Each metal has characteristic qualities that can be supported with the right diet to lessen complications. Just as an example, those with mercury poisoning can expect the kidneys, brain and thyroid to be affected. Those organs can be supported by providing foods and supplements that are healing throughout the process.
Building your body strength and improving your diet are important components of any detoxification program. You must also remove all sources of contamination. Detoxing with active sources of contamination, like mercury fillings, is a deadly game as you are constantly distributing and redistributing poison.
What is unclear to most is why there is no straight line protocol and why there are so many variables to clearing the body of metals. One reason is that every body has gathered a different collection of contaminants. Lead combined with mercury, for example, can manifest differently if arsenic or cadmium is added. Another factor is that traditional medicine has little experience with metals poisoning as the root cause of illness and so, information resources are limited.
Those determined to stay within the confines of their insurance coverage may find it is not the path to wellness. Although metals poisoning is common, it is commonly misdiagnosed and rarely treated as the source of conditions. This can delay your progress.