This might end up being your favorite
health remedy
it might be your favorite secret
cooking ingredient.
In either case, its power packed nutrients
are a gift to the body whenever you are sick.
I keep some around just in case someone claims they are coming down with something, has a sore throat or is just not feeling tip top. Make enough to store. Age improves the flavors and textures. The honey becomes liquified and carries the taste of sweet garlic and the garlic becomes mellow and crisp with sweetness.
After the initial fermentation stage, I put it into the refrigerator to maintain the quality, but refrigeration is not essential. It can be taken as a tonic with just the liquid or the cloves can be eaten whole.
I would considering serving the garlic as a condiment on an appetizer plate with cheeses and meats without anyone realizing the health benefits. The honey drizzled over cheese could be very interesting. It is a successful addition to vegetables or cooking. Let your imagination be your guide.
Garlic cloves, peeled
Raw honey
Lead-free glass jar with lid
Fill a jar with garlic cloves and top with enough raw honey to cover cloves completely, leaving a small amount of room at the top of the jar. Lid the jar and place it in a small bowl in case the process causes gasses to bubble over.
Leave the jar on the counter and taste it after a week and after two weeks. You will see the changes with the honey becoming liquified and the garlic becoming sweeter. You can leave it out for a month or use at any point throughout the process. When I reach a process point I like, the jar goes into the refrigerator. My current jar is over a year old.