Yes, you can find a dentist that will tell you that your mercury fillings are harmless. They might even say that removing them will cause more harm than allowing them to remain untouched.
Both are lies.
The American Dental Association still maintains that those silver, amalgam fillings, which all contain mercury, won't hurt you, but finally in the last few months, the FDA has decided that might not be true. They have not taken a firm stand against putting mercury in the human body, but suggest that it might not be a good idea for the very young or pregnant. Seriously, treat yourself like a pregnant woman and say no to storing mercury in your head.
Many people say, "I have amalgam fillings, I've had them for years and I'm fine." The truth is you are not and cannot be fine. Your body is storing what it cannot process. It is that storage that is the unruly culprit of your ill health to come. You are not unique. Mercury damages all bodies.
Although I like to say that mercury can cause about any symptoms it chooses, these are some very common ones:
Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning
- Immune System Damage
- Kidney Damage
- Neurological Disorders
- Endocrine Disruption
- Thyroid Malfunction
- Cognitive Impairments
- Delusions
- Psychological Disorders
- Nerve Damage
- Tremors
- Insomnia
- Memory Loss
- Headaches
- Hearing Loss
- Temporomandibular Join Disorder (TMJ)
- Bowel Disorders (IBS)
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Joint Pain
- Candida Imbalance
- Chronic Fatigue
- Weakness
- Lethargy
- Palsy
- Concentration Difficulties (Brain Fog)
- Numbness and Tingling
- Reproductive Dysfunction
- Suicidal Ideations
If you need to know more about mercury there are finally some good resources, including this site. The problem with finding 'good' information is that the governing agencies that approve and use mercury casually, claim its innocence. Their stance controls Western medicine and you become confused by not being able to trust most medical resources. This is one of those times where you must do your own research and present your case as fact. Doctors will disagree with you and that is your signal to move on to a practitioner who truly knows the dangers of mercury and how to find wellness.