Recovery from Illness
can take a few turns.
Herxheimer Reaction
can be one of them.
My experience with Herxheimer Reaction is related to illness and candida caused by heavy metals and the constant detoxing of the contaminants. My doctor said to do as much IV chelation and detoxification as I could handle. Knowing nothing about it, I used the “more is better” method of detoxification and found out it can be deadly to do too much too fast.
In the most simplistic of descriptions, Herxheimer Reaction is the result of die off from cells, bacteria, virus, parasites or fungus that release gasses and toxins into the body. Although you are healing, the die off can produce unexpected symptoms, making the experience of getting well seem the opposite. Detoxing too fast can bring great results, but the flow of toxins can be more than your body can process quickly, resulting in illness.
In this process, you can experience mild to dreadful reactions. If you don’t know what is happening it is frightening. I can remember thinking, “Is this how it feels to be dying?” Had I known something about Herxheimer Reaction, it would have been my signal to slow down and allow the body to process the toxins more slowly. The best description I've heard of Herxheimer Reaction is that it can be disorienting.
Your symptoms might mimic many other conditions and cause you to medicate unnecessarily. It is a fine line and one without clear direction. You might experience mild to extreme lethargy, pain, sweating, chills, muscle and joint pain, depression, fever, flu-like symptoms, headaches, trouble thinking clearly, emotional upset and true fear about what could be happening to you. This is the perfect set up for a misdiagnosis since the symptoms are so varied and random. Because of your precise body chemistry and the types of toxicity contaminants your body is detoxing, your reaction is an unknown.
The discovery of this reaction was made by Adolf Jarisch, and later by Karl Herxheimer, in the mid-1800s when treating syphilitic skin lesions. When researching, you might find it called Herx, Herks or Herxheimer Reaction. Those who know it, call it Herxing.
If you are dumping quantities of contaminants, Herxing can slow down the detox process if illness becomes extreme. You can assist the process with detoxification treatments that will support your body. Rest, pure water, Epsom salts baths, saunas, colonics, dry brushing, massage, ionic foot baths, mild activity and a diet of whole foods without chemicals or pesticides are some the most helpful support treatments.