Your position on vaccinations is not the point
here. The issue is your freedom of health
choices and your ability to research all points
of view to make your decisions.
He speaks to autism and the dangers of vaccinating that population. He stops short of including many other populations that cannot manage drugs as others are able to tolerate them.
Those who are contaminated with heavy metals are among a population that must make serious choices when it comes to combining their unique toxicity with other chemicals and drugs. They just don't know what might happen when chemicals are mixed in the body.
What they do know is that their body's burden is already too high for normal living. They know they must be careful about how they live their lives and are diligently searching for ways to stay alive. For people in these high risk situations, choice and the freedom to choose is the only hope.
When Facebook's Zuckerberg decided unilaterally that there would be zero free discussion of anti-vaccination positions he curtailed your freedom to speak and to hear. His very act denies the billions of dollars paid to vaccine victims in US Federal Courts. These payments are made at the expense of the American taxpayer, not the manufacturer, because Pharma is protected from lawsuits on vaccines because they are labeled an "emergency" drug which was the result of some very successful lobbying.