Warning signs of implant trouble can be non-existant, slight or obvious. You might only notice a sensitivity or a change in the pink color near the gum line of the tooth. It may be the kind of distraction or pain that you can live with easily and do nothing about for a very long time.
As usual, pain is the voice of your body. It always has a source. When you search for the cause of illness, consider your teeth, dental implants, silver fillings and root canals as potential sources.
This implant caused a low-grade irritation that seemed meaningless in comparison to other physical complaints that were not seemingly associated with the tooth. There was joint pain with constant inflammation plus a debilitating pain in the hip that made daily movement limited. The decision to manage the tooth was secondary to what were considered more demanding issues in the body.
When the tooth was finally identified as a potential problem, there was no absolute certainty. The decision to remove it came with no guarantee that it was the source of the tender gum or the signs of minor infection and dull pain. In the end, after removal, the tooth was able to be identified as the connection to most of the issues. Within 24 hours of removal the body began to heal. The changes were dramatic.
The hip pain was gone by morning, never to return. The infection, which was obvious after removal, began to dissipate. Vitality and strength returned to a body that had been depleted by this on-going, low-grade infection.
The mouth is rarely considered in times of illness. We tend to treat symptoms and never search for the cause of pain. Once symptoms are put in check with drugs, we usually move on without having addressed the true issue. Meanwhile the source remains active.
When you search for the cause of long-term illness, chronic fatigue, inflammation, chronic pain, lethargy, join pain, anxiety, cognative disorders, ADHD, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more, consider the mouth and dental health. To be treated correctly and to receive the most current protocol, which will conflict with the American Dental Association's view at times, you will need a biologic dentist. For sources of biologic dentists visit www.IAOMT.org.
Note: If you have "silver" fillings, which are more appropriately known as, mercury amalgam fillings, please learn more about them on this site at: http://www.searchforthecausenotjustthecure.com/strike-out-mercury-information-and-registration-form.html