Most of us can't imagine that how the gut is feeling could make a difference to our sinuses. That's because we have forgotten just how the body works and what makes it tick in favor of drugs that reduce symptoms.
Knowing that your gut can cause sinus infections, lethargy, inflammation, acne, yeast infections, IBS, fibromyalgia and an extensive long list of issues will change how you heal yourself. You can save a lot of time, when you understand that the gut will tell you things are not right by producing illness.
This video is one such investigation. You will see how common acne and migraines were tracked back to gut health and how after years of medicating incorrectly, the problems can be solved.
If you would like to learn more about your gut health use the searchbar to locate articles on candida, IBS, and leaky gut. Home candida testing information can be found at www.searchforthecausenotjustthecure.com/blog/candida-testing-at-home.