Reducing your toxic load is a journey.
This is one easy step to getting
aluminum out of your food.
If you are unwell or poisoned by chemicals or metals, you know the struggles of living with illness. Cleaning up toxicity can feel like just one more thing, but it's worth your effort.
When your body has to deal with a daily load of toxicity it cannot be focused on your healing which includes your natural detoxification and cell building. Without the extra burden, who knows what it might accomplish.
When it comes to aluminum, we worry about the brain. Even though there is a strong belief that Alzheimer's and dementia are encouraged by aluminum, there are others who will claim small doses won't hurt you. Your brain might disagree. And, those "others" are government agencies that have compiled years of bad information that they do not correct because there are no studies to prove the need for change. Instead they accept manufacturers' testing and opinions as truth. It's a curious loop and not in the best interest of keeping the public in good health.
In an effort to be safer than sorry, an easy kitchen fix is to delete alum and most baking powders. Although you can purchase baking powder that is aluminum-free, most of it is sold with aluminum. Deleting the variety with aluminum. absolutely does no damage to recipes. It's an easy fix to just buy aluminum-free baking powder and upgrade your kitchen instantly.
Alum is, as it sounds, made from aluminum. It is aluminum sulfate and used most often in recipes to keep crispness in fruits and vegetables. It has recently shown up for me in all pickle recipes that I've researched. I have exchanged the alum for grape leaves which should manage the same task. It may be that there will be a noticeable difference in the exchange, but managing the changes in holistic living is part of the journey.